We here at Iroquois Falls Public Library has plenty of services available to everyone!
Many of our services don’t even require you to have a library card!
Please check out this page to learn about the services we offer!
We have 6 computer stations in our library!
Each station has a stable internet connection, access to a printer, Microsoft Office and more!
For those who bring their own devices, WiFi is also available.
We also have an AWE Early Literacy Station with fun and education games for the children.
Printing and Faxing Services
We have 2 printers on the floor that print in black and white.
All colour printing, copies, faxes and laminations are done in the office.
Black & White printing is $0.25 per page
Colour printing start at $0.50 per page
$1.00 per page anywhere in Canada
Black & White printing is $0.25 per page
Colour printing start at $0.50 per page
Lamination starts at $2.50 per page
Photo Printing
With a brand new ink jet printer, we are now able to print high quality photos in no time at all, from any device!
Print in many sizes using many different types of paper! This printer is capable of printing on paper up to 1.3 mm thick!
Available Photo Sizes
- 4 x 6 – 75¢
- 5 x 7 – $1.50
- 8 x 10 – $4.00
- 8 1/2 x 11 – $4.00
Other sizes may be available, but customer will likely have to supply any paper/media that is not listed above
Negative/Film Scanning
For just 25¢ per copy, turn your negative/film photo reels and slides into high quality digital copies!
Compatible Films:
35mm, 126, 110 and Super8
Compatible Slides:
135, 126, 110
*Not Compatible with 8mm or 16mm*
Shut-In Service
We offer home delivery to Seniors and Home-bound citizens for free!
Just give us a call at 705-232-5722 to place your order and set up a delivery!
Inter Library Loans
If you cannot find what you are looking for in our collection, we can borrow books from other libraries all around Ontario!
To order books, you can either:
1. Come into the library and fill out one of our request forms
2. Call the library at 705-232-5722 to place your order over the phone
3. Fill out the form below
Books can take anywhere from a few days to a few weeks to arrive, depending on where they are coming from.
When they arrive and are ready for you, we will contact you so that you can come and pick them up!